Activists Rally at UN for Chinese Lawyer Gao Zhisheng

2012-01-24 24

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Rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng has been imprisoned for over 20 months, and now the Chinese regime says he has to serve three more years. On January 18th, activists held a rally outside of the United Nations calling for Gao's release.

Gao Zhisheng's family members still haven't spoken to the imprisoned rights lawyer... who, according to the Chinese regime, is locked up in Shaya prison in the Xinjiang Autonomous Region.

Gao's wife, Geng He, wrote a second letter to her husband before the Chinese Lunar New Year. Meanwhile fellow activists traveled to the United Nations in New York on January 18th to speak up for Gao. They held banners painted by Geng He. Geng said she was very moved by what they did.

[Geng He, Gao Zhisheng's Wife]:
"One day, Ge Lifang called me and asked how I was, then also said, 'All the old and new petitioners who know Gao Zhisheng, we want to raise our voice for him.' Many people who Gao helped in the past are now speaking out for him. I am very moved."

Gao had been missing for 20-months, after defending vulnerable groups in China, such as Falun Gong practitioners and house Christians. In December the Chinese regime announced they would imprison him for another three years in Xinjiang. Gao's family members went there to see him but the prison refused them access. After Gao's brother tried to leave the remote region they encountered harassment.

[Geng He, Gao Zhisheng's Wife]:
"The next day our relatives were stopped at a checkpoint just over ten kilometers from the jail. Two people came out and angrily blamed Gao's brother saying, 'Why did you publicize our telephone number? Why did you accept media interviews on this?'"

Gao's case has attracted media attention, while the family remains worried for his safety.