CES 2012 Interview: Xbox LIVE and Windows Phone Integration

2012-01-22 228

For those following TheGamerAccess.com and the plethora of CES 2012 coverage we have been posting, last week you would have seen Britney Parks interview Jerry Hart, Senior Product Marketing Manager for Nokia to speak on their recently announced Nokia Lumia 900 device along with its Windows Phone implementation. Today, you will see Britney Parks interview Frank Larson, Sales Trainer for Nokia to speak on the deep integration of Xbox LIVE with Windows Phone.

While Android and iOS are unarguably the two most popular mobile platforms of today, the one thing that separates Windows Phone distinctively from the iOS and Android platforms is the integration of the most successful online gaming network available on consoles, Xbox LIVE. Having the ability to communicate with those on your friend list, compare achievements with other Xbox LIVE users and much more while on the move with your phone is simply incredible. Check out our walkthrough with Nokia to discuss the deep integration of Xbox Live within Windows Phone.


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