A former shooter describes pheasant shooting as "a very cruel pastime" on RTE Radio's Liveline programme (January 3rd, 2012).
He told listeners that "a high proportion of the birds are not killed" when shot and instead suffer agonising injuries.
"Yesterday, I came across a pheasant dragging its wings along the ground, unable to fly because somebody had shot it and not killed it," he said. "Two days previously, I came across a pheasant with its entrails dragging along the ground and obviously in agony because somebody had shot it and not killed it."
Outlining that he was a shooter for 40 years and a former chairman of a local gun club, he stated that "the pheasants pay an extraordinarily high price for our fun and so-called sport."
Help protect pheasants and other birds and animals. Make your land off-limits to hunters and shooters. Encourage all your landowner friends and family to make their land a haven for wildlife.