China Wukan Protest Leader Made Village Head

2012-01-18 105

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In an extremely rare moment of compromise, Chinese Communist Party officials decided to appoint the leader of Wukan's protest movement—Lin Zulian—as their new Village Head.

This is a peculiar move for the Chinese regime, which usually crushes descent with brutal force. But it would appear that this time Beijing authorities are too afraid of an unruly countryside destabilizing its grip on power to use the normal tactics.

The Wukan protests—now less than a month old—saw protesters, led by Lin, clash with police and forcefully expel local officials in response to illegal land grabs.

It's not clear how Lin's appointment will change things on the ground in Wukan. Lin has been effectively leading the village for the past three weeks. But his supporters hope the official appointment will at least help him avoid being imprisoned for his protest activities.