Yoga For Spinal Health Brahma Mudra

2012-01-18 16

Buy the Yoga For Spinal Health DVD at: or The ancient Indian art and science of Yoga has become popular as a therapeutic modality and is used as such by many in the modern world today. This presentation introduces various practices form the Gitananda Yoga tradition that can help in correcting health problems related to the neck and back. Yoga improves posture, stretches and relaxes the paraspinal musculature and increases flexibility and turnablity of the whole spine. 1. Tala Asana 2. Hastha Kona Kriya 3. Trikona Asana 4. Parshava Kona Asana 5. Hamsa Mudra 6. Garuda Asana 7. Vajra Asana 8. Purna Sasha Asana 9. Ushtra Asana 10. Gomukha Asana 11. Manduka Asana 12. Vakra Asana 13. Danda Asana 14. Chatus Pada Asana 15. Chatus Pada Kriya 16. Vyagraha Pranayama 17. Mehru Asana 18. Chiri Kriya 19. Brahma Mudra 20. Dridha Kriya 21. Pawan Mukta Asana 22. Purvottana Asana 23. Bhujanga Asana 24. Dhanur Asana 25. Makara Asana 26. Chandra Nadi Pranayama 27. Pranava Pranayama 28. Sheetali Pranayama 29. Shpanda - Nishpanda Kriya 30. Kaya Kriya 31. Anu Loma Viloma Kriya 32. Chakra Meditation