Gods & Goddesses Of India - Varaha, Vamana & Rama

2012-01-18 269

Buy the DVD at: http://www.superaudio.in/devotional-dvds-gods-goddesses-of-india-dvd-p-4588.html or http://www.musicandchants.com/ * Elephant-headed Ganesha riding a mouse, Flute-playing Krishna, Maa Kali sporting a garland of skulls, Rama armed with a bow, Shiva dancing with his matted locks flying, Vishnu reclining on the thousand headed serpent, Durga killing the buffalo-headed demon, Karthikeya riding the peacock or flanked by his two wives and Hanuman [the superhuman monkey] hero of the epic Ramayana are among the manifold gods worshipped by Hindus in India. * The gods and goddesses of India embody the divine forces at play in the inner and outer world and through symbolism, myth, philosophy, ritual and intuitive experience. The modern-day inheritors of an ancient civilization steeped in the wisdom of the wise men easily connect with their divinities. * Gods and Goddesses of India presents the gods in all their multitudinous avatars, etching their dimensions in mythology, religion, iconography, yogic experience and the popular mind. The interplay of imaginatively shot icons, great temples, classical texts, soothing music and an illuminating narrative show that there is a profound truth and meaning in the Indian forms of divinity. Gods and Goddesses of India follows the deep inner urges of Hindu adoration and helps the viewer grasp the meaning of the gods who are but Rhythms of the one Infinite Spirit. 

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