Six Years of Waiting Over - Mainland Chinese Audience Member Sees Shen Yun in New York City

2012-01-14 2

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New York City's Lincoln Center is playing host to a five show run of Shen Yun Performing Arts. The classical Chinese dance and music company aims to revive China's ancient culture... and NTD is an official media sponsor for the show in New York. We caught up with one Chinese who said he's waited for years to see the show in person... having recently arrived from the Mainland.

[Wang Beiji, University Executive Director]:
"Song to the dance, to the music, to the clothing, to the background, is perfect."

Mr. Wang arrived in the US six months ago. After waiting more than six years, he finally saw Shen Yun Performing Arts in New York last night.

[Wang Beiji, University Executive Director]:
"There is pure feeling, the feeling is very simple, it is just a completely different performance."

He says one of the lead male dancers left the biggest impression on him.

[Wang Beiji, University Executive Director]:
"Seeing Mr. Chen Yungchia dance, I was stunned! I had seen a short online introduction, but today I was lucky, really very lucky, to be so close—in the first row, to see him dance. It was very, very stunning—it's very, very perfect. Personally I think that Chen Yungchia's performance, the energy is very, very powerful."

In mainland China, Shen Yun's performance is banned by the Communist authorities. Shen Yun fans, however, circulate DVDs of the performance at their own risk, allowing Chinese people to view their own traditional culture.

NTD News, New York.