Candidates stump for votes in southern U.S.

2012-01-14 10

With New Hampshire and Iowa behind them, Republican presidential candidates focused on South Carolina and Florida on Friday.
Front-runner Mitt Romney was introduced to supporters by South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley. The former Massachusetts governor is currently leading in South Carolina, according to recent polls.
Rick Santorum campaigned in York, South Carolina while Rick Perry sought to revive his campaign at the Squat and Gobble restaurant in Bluffton.
After finishing fourth in New Hampshire, Newt Gingrich spent Friday in Florida, speaking to supporters at the opening of a new campaign office in Orlando. The Sunshine state holds its primary on January 31, while South Carolina heads to the polls on the 21st.
Since 1980, every winner of the South Carolina's primary has gone on to win the Republican party's nomination.
Deborah Gembara, Reuters