The man you see kicking me out of the police station, knowingly and intenitonally murdered Lauren Spierer, James Lerg, Brett Wood, Lauren Kahn, Don Swank, Crystal Grubb, Adam Sarnecki and many others in the recent past. His police run a lot of cocaine, meth, pharmaceuticals, alcohol on behalf of the Jews becuase the jews love to destroy humanity on behalf of their Jew God Saturn/Satan.
Six main stream news cameras don't even flinch at a dude yelling at a Lauren Spierer press conference. They're making as much money off her murder as her parents. No wait, Lauren parents have made way more money off murdering their daugther than the media has.
Perhaps only IU and the BPD are still making more than the Spierer's have off the Bloomington cocaine, alcohol and pill running nightmare. Can you say 'paid off'. Rossman, Rosenbaum, and all the rest of her friends that helped pill and alcohol to death sure can. They probably got a scholarship for helping murder the bitch. Wanna bet?