Brush Creek Charlie (Book Trailer)

2012-01-11 17

Charles “Charlie The Machete” Rastelli is a shell-shocked Vietnam War veteran who lives with serious post traumatic stress disorder. Charlie’s self-esteem is shattered by the fact that he suffered genital mutilation from ammunition crossfire while serving in Vietnam.

Failure to kill a certain woman becomes his pretext to building a murderous resume. Charlie lures women from prominent working class to prostitutes and drug addicts to his apartment. Strangulation is his method of murder. A Full Tang Monster Machete is his method of mutilation. His victim’s bodies are transported in trash bags and dumped in Brush Creek.

A member of an all-women’s support group is determined to put an end to the killing cycle fueled by Charlie. This diligent woman consolidates power and resources with law enforcement to make sure that more bodies won’t surface in Brush Creek. It’s a serious race against time to end a psychopath’s homicidal escapades.