Occupy Wall Street protest celebrates one-month birthday

2012-01-11 4

http://nma.tv Occupy Wall Street hits the one-month mark this week. Even the protesters are amazed they've lasted this long. The demonstrations, meanwhile, have spread globally. Camps have been set up in financial centers all over the world. The protesters seem determined. But can their resolve last through winter's cold? Temperatures in New York City can be brutal. The demonstrators cite economic frustrations. They claim financial benefits go to the 1% while the 99% struggle. But claims the American Dream is dead has irked "The 53%" who are still trying to make it work. The protesters offer few policy prescriptions. Their goal seems to be adding to their numbers and thus magnifying their grievances. The Democratic party, meanwhile, is trying to figure out how to harness this energy for 2012. But just how long will the Occupy Wall Street protests last? Probably as long as unemployment remains persistently high.