Sperm donors become Super Dads

2012-01-11 329

http://www.nma.tv/ When college student Todd Whitehurst donated his sperm for extra cash in the early 1990s, he did not know he was on the way of becoming a Super Daddy. Fertility doctors select sperm for their good motility rate (that's how fast they swim). As a result, sperm from the same man could be used for many women. When Whitehurst was 41 years old, his 14-year-old daughter Virginia located him through the Donor Sibling Registry Website. Through the site, Whitehurst found more of his biological children. He found he has fathered at least nine children with his donated sperm. But Whitehurst is nowhere near the most prolific "Super Daddy". One Boston donor has fathered 72 kids while another in Virginia has been traced to 129 offspring.