Crime is creeping back up in New York City. In the city's famous Central Park, crime has climbed by a whopping 45%. The city's murder rate has climbed nearly 15%. But will Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who has exercised vigilance against trans fats, be as tough on crime? Bloomberg has cut police numbers in order to reduce the city's budget. Nevertheless, city officials claim New York remains safe. 紐約犯罪率高到嚇壞當地居民,光是紐約中央公園就已飆升了45%,謀殺率增加了15%,搶劫案的數量更加驚人。但紐約市長彭博最近似乎在忙別的事情,就是要警察局裁員以降低市政府的負債。市府官員們都強調紐約仍然是美國其中一個最安全的城市,但恐怕這一切都在速度改變。