Conan O'Brien is returning to television. Last week, fellow comedian George Lopez welcomed Conan to cable network TBS. Fans are excited to see what Conan has in store. Will he reprise popular skits such as the self-pleasuring bear? NBC owns the rights to the skit. Conan has said he will fight for his masturbating bear in court. Conan left NBC after Jeff Zucker tried to force Conan and his Tonight Show out of the 11:30pm time slot. Viewers in Taiwan are unable to watch Conan on TV because TBS isn't generally available here. However, they will be able to watch Conan on his website. 還記得今年初,美國NBC電台的夜間脫口秀主持人大風吹嗎? 待命11:30pm時段的康納等了數年,終於等到傑雷諾合約到期的那一天,接手11:30pm的 "今夜秀"。沒想到,NBC大老闆朱客居然開個10pm的時段特別給傑雷諾,可是幾個月後,情況不佳,傑雷諾的收視大跌,朱客要收拾慘劇,居然跟康納說,"你去12:05am好了,把11:30pm還給傑雷諾",鬧了個業界的大笑話。朱客毀合約,付了康納美金3千2百萬的分手費,也禁止康納在電視機面前講NBC的壞話。電視台TBS馬上跟康納簽約,邀請他成為頻道的最新脫口秀主持人,但是因為法律上的關係,康納到今年11月才能重返台面。今天,11月8日,康納的新秀就要開播囉!