Citizens Against Government Waste has released one of the finest pieces of 'yellow peril' propaganda since Sax Rohmer began publishing Fu Manchu novels. Wow! They really nailed us! Yes, we'll laugh at your demise ... we'll chortle and cluck with glee when it comes time to work off your slave debt. That's why, like the CAGW's "Chinese Professor" ad, all of our content at Next Media Animation is in Mandarin. When we crack the whip over your heads and yell "你回去工作!," we want you to understand what we're saying, see? We are so delighted that you are so confident in China's ascendancy. Lack of democracy or human rights ... A creaking financial system ... riots and social instability ... We're sure all those problems will be worked out by 2030 when it's time to assume the leasehold on America!! But until then, all you really need to know about the US-China relationship can be understood in our evil, Fu Manchu 'stache-twisting laugh.