Chilean miners face up to life underground 智利礦工的地下生活

2012-01-10 17 33 Chilean miners are trapped deep underground and it may take up to four months to rescue them. Spirits were raised this week when the miners enjoyed their first hot meal. However, the traditional staple of beans and requests for cigarettes and alcohol were denied. The miners will need to stay slim in order to fit through a shaft that is being drilled for them. More at 在智利,33位礦工被困在2,200英呎深的礦坑裡,他們已經被困一個月了,恐怕要等到聖誕節才能被救出。雖然情況不理想,但是礦工們抱著希望。本週,他們收到第一餐熱食,但是香菸與酒卻被禁止。礦工們要保持良好的身材,之後才可以穿過救援人員正在們挖的通道。他們將如何打發時間? 

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