Lindsay Lohan out of jail, heads to rehab (琳賽蘿涵出獄,住進戒毒中心)

2012-01-10 91 LiLo was once a promising Hollywood starlet, but a series of drunk-driving arrests, drug charges and court troubles have wrecked her career. A judged sentenced her to 90 days in jail for probation violations. Her father, Michael Lohan, immediately sought help from other celebrities who had also done time in prison. Michael attempted to cheer Lindsay up with a song. He's also facing potential prison time because ex-fiancee Kate Major is accusing him of assault. Lohan's sentence was cut short to just 13 days. She will now spend 90 days in rehabilitation. This animation tells it all. More at 琳賽羅漢曾經是一位被看好的好萊塢明星,但是她多次酒駕被捕又涉及毒品,官司一宗接一宗,她的演藝生涯被斷送。她因為抵觸了緩刑規定,法官判她入獄90天。老爸馬上向其他坐過牢的大明星,打探監獄資訊。羅漢老爸想用歌聲來安慰女兒,但實際上老爸也自身難保,被前未婚妻控告毆打。幸好羅漢只坐了13天牢就出獄,餘下的90天,就在戒毒中心度過。