2.Wong's Prediction Technology: Forecast Earthquakes & Decoding War of Pearl Harbour http://ihouse.hkedcity.net/~ec468280/nuclearwar/wckmain/main-e.htm#e-quake

2012-01-10 1

The space is divided into 12 zones. The direction of `Zone 0' is north. `Zone 3' is east. `Zone 6' is south. `Zone 9' is west. Three zones are closely related and affect each other named Concurrent Zones (Zc). For example, zones 0,4,8 & 1,5,9 & 2,6,10 are concurrent.

There is a limit of the forgiveness of Jehovah God. The limit is `Seventy Weeks' stated in Daniel 9:24-27. Beyond this limit, righteousness & judgment day will come and Jesus Christ will return. 445B.C.+(7x70)x5+(7x7)=A.D.2054. This is equivalent to 445B.C.+(50x49)+(7x7)=A.D.2054, Leviticus 25:1-13. The 49th jubilee is atonement jubilee so the disasters of 49 years will pour to the world according to the opening of `Seven Seals' stated in chapters 6 to 16, Book of Revelation. This means Holy Spirit used four `Seventy Weeks' to seal up the four antichrists mentioned in chapter 7, Book of Daniel. Thus, the fifth `Seventy Weeks' will fulfill the prophecy of the second coming of Jesus Christ including the Holy Covenant signed between Israel and Palestine in A.D.1998. That is, 445B.C.+(7x70)x4+(7x7+7x62)=A.D.1998. The Millennium Kingdom will be established by Jesus Christ in A.D.2055 according to Leviticus, 25:1-13. That is 445B.C.+50x50=A.D.2055. From the date of Holy Covenant (Wye River Memorandum), 445B.C.+(7x70)x4+7x(7+62)=23rd Oct.,1998(Fri.), to the date of the second coming of Jesus Christ must pass 49 years (Seven Seals) of each year counted as 360 days and the day next to the days of pouring `Seven Vials' which will be poured only on the 49th days in A.D.2054 because the 49th day is an atonement day. That is, (Fri.,23rd Oct.,1998)+(360 days)x7+(360 days)x49+(50 days)x6+(50 days)→(Th.,17th Dec.,2054). This is equivalent to (Fri.,23rd Oct.,1998)+(360 days)x7+(360 days)x49+(50 days)x7→(Th.,17th Dec.,2054), the Jubilee in Leviticus 25:1-13.

John Wong's "Seventy Weeks" Nuclear War Equation: 445B.C.+(7x70)x5+(7x6)=A.D.2047. This is the disaster caused by sounding the 1st trumpet by an angel as described in Revelation 8:7. Since the prophecy of "Seventy Weeks" in Daniel 9:24-27 is the promise that Jehovah God allowed the world to go from the time of prophet Daniel (445B.C.) to the time of "New Jerusalem" (A.D.3055) as described in Revelation 21:2, the road map of "Eternity" (Heavenly Kingdom) was set up. It is 445B.C.+(7x70)x7+70=A.D.3055 which is equivalent to 445B.C.+70x50=A.D.3055. During the 7 Sabbaths of "Seventy" and the last "Seventy" years, the kingdoms of Israel and Judah were destroyed resting in "Years of Sabbath", the disasters of the "Seven Seals" as described in chapters 6-16 of Revelation would be executed in the "Years of Atonement" and Jesus Christ would establish "Millennium Kingdom" for 1,000 years in the "Jubilee" as stated three crucial stages in Leviticus 25:1-13. The main reason is "Seventy Weeks" are same as seven-fold "Seventies" and fifty-fold "Seventies" mean "Forever Rest" (Eternal life in the Jubilee years).
