2.Wong's Astrology & Numerology: Forecast Earthquakes & Decoding War of Pearl Harbour http://ihouse.hkedcity.net/~ec468280/nuclearwar/wckmain/main-e.htm#e-quake

2012-01-10 1

The space is divided into 12 zones. The direction of `Zone 0' is north. `Zone 3' is east. `Zone 6' is south. `Zone 9' is west. Three zones are closely related and affect each other named Concurrent Zones (Zc). For example, zones 0,4,8 & 1,5,9 & 2,6,10 are concurrent.

John Wong, the Mathematical Evangelist 2018, thoroughly knows Book of Daniel and fully understands Book of Revelation. http://wck.orgfree.com/holybible

.........(For more).........

1. John Wong's University of Biblical Prophecy Science (JWUBPS) Post Doctoral Degree Course website: http://wck.orgfree.com/holybible

2. John Wong's Institute of Prediction Technology & Forensic Mathematics (JWIPT&FM) Post Doctoral Degree Course website: http://ptfm.orgfree.com

3. John Wong's Prediction Technology & Forensic Mathematics (PT&FM) website: http://ptmae.orgfree.com

4. Theme: How to predict Earth's great natural disaster or war? http://ihouse.hkedcity.net/~ec468280/nuclearwar/wckmain/main-e.htm#e-quake

5. The Mystery of Holy Bible: World's Seven Greatest Wisdom http://engfate.orgfree.com/7wisdom

6. The Mystery of Holy Bible: The World of Jehovah God: http://wck.orgfree.com/godworld

7. The Mystery of Holy Bible: Revelation and Apocalypse: http://wck.orgfree.com/apocalypse

8. John Wong's Thesis to the Shaw Prize Secretariat (Mathematics): How to clear up Biblical Puzzles and understand the Destiny of the World by Mathematics?

9. Theme: How to find the dates of Second Coming of Jesus Christ and beginning of Millennium Kingdom?

10. Theme: Jehovah God's Seven Golden Rules

11. Theme: The Ultimate War

12. Theme: How nuclear explosions are related to nuclear war in A.D.2047 and destruction of the Earth in A.D.2054?

13. Theme: Why did twins Jessie Presley die but Elvis Presley alive?

14. The Mystery of Holy Bible: http://wck.orgfree.com/ptfm/wckmain/main-e.htm

15. Juvenile John Wong's Album: https://wckyoung.tripod.com

16. John Wong's Theory of Material and Non-material (Conservation of Energy & Relative Mass): https://wcktheory.tripod.com

17. Evangelizing website of John Wong on Carousell: https://www.carousell.com.hk/wckjohn

Contact E-mail: wck_john@yahoo.com.hk