Surfer survives shark attack

2012-01-04 2

An Australian surfer is recovering after a shark attack in the waters off Avoca Beach.
The victim is said to be a 28-year-old resident of the area, 75 kilometres north of Sydney.
Witnesses say he was bitten on the arm.
SOUNDBITE: Jack Gencher, witness, saying (English):
"Arrived at the beach and I've seen a woman screaming out to another surfer to get out of the water, that there's a shark. I haven't realised yet that a shark has actually bitten a surfer. I see two or three people surrounding a man on the sand and then I come closer and I see there's blood all over the man's surf board and on the sand.:
SOUNDBITE: Adam Harpaz, witness, saying (English):
"This is what he told us: the shark got on his board and his arm was up and the shark just took a chunk out of his arm."
The victim's said to be in a stable condition in hospital.
Ambulance crews say he was surfing in the evening, a risky time.
SOUNDBITE: Inspector Brad Folitarik, ambulance officer, saying (English):
"There's inherent dangers there, surfing late at night, especially at dusk. Most surfers are aware that is a shark feeding time."
Despite the attack people were again swimming at Avoca Beach with a helicopter patrolling overhead on the lookout for sharks.
Paul Chapman, Reuters