Romney Rips Obama on Iran and the Economy

2012-01-03 26

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Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney drops to second place in a public opinion polling before the Iowa Caucus but sticks to his long-standing game plan: attack Obama. Here's more.

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney on Monday entered the final day of campaigning before the Iowa Caucus.

He's sticking to a tactic that has given him the lead for much of the campaign -- a full-throated attack on U.S. President Barack Obama.

Speaking at a rally in the Mississippi River town of Davenport, Iowa Romney claimed that Obama has failed in both international and domestic affairs.

[Mitt Romney, Republican Presidential Candidate]:
"He said he was going to engage Iran, remember? Visit with Ahmadinejad in his first year. Didn't quite work out like he hoped. Iran is pursuing their nuclear ambition. They announced yesterday they had now developed a nuclear rod. They tested a medium range surface-to-air missile. Iran continues to be, and is actually, a greater threat than when he became president."

Romney has fallen behind Representative Ron Paul in the latest survey conducted by the Public Policy Polling organization.

Paul had 20 percent of likely Iowa voters, while Romney slipped to second place with 19 percent. Former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum was in third place with 18 percent.

Romney touted his business experience as his great qualification for the presidency, claiming that he has a clearer understanding than the other candidates of how to place America's economy back on track.

He called Obama's economic policies a failure and suggested it was immoral to pass on debt to succeeding generations.

He said Obama was more concerned with social programs and other entitlements than with generating jobs, which he compared to "a European style welfare state."

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