HTC Simlock Calculator version v2.2 -- New fixed version only available from:
Reasons to unlock your device with simlock calculator
* If you are travelling, buy a local simcard and save on roaming fees
* The resell value of your device will increase significantly as it is available to more carriers.
* Easily switch between simcards, using the same phone.
* Unlock your phone from the comfort of your own home
* You never send your phone to anybody.
* No complicated software, or cable, just simply enter the unlock code
* There is absolutely no risk of damaging your phone by unlocking it.
* 100% Guaranteed
To generate unlock code you need:
- YOUR TELEPHONE IMEI NUMBER ( It should be located on the box from phone and under the battery. You can also check it by entering the code *#06# ).
- PHONE MODEL ( It also should be located on the box from phone and under the battery ).