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Dancers Find Shen Yun "Amazing" in Hamilton, Canada

2011-12-29 190

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Hamilton, Canada— host to New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts last night.

[Tracy Brooks, Ballroom Dancing Enthusiast]:
"Oh they're amazing."

Five thousand years of traditional Chinese culture, told through classical Chinese dance.

[Sherrie Higgins, Former Ballet Dancer & Choreographer]:
"I'm so elated right now. It's amazing."

Months of practice— now months on tour.

[Sherrie Higgins, Former Ballet Dancer & Choreographer]:
"I can't believe how precise everyone is. I mean to the beat of the music. Everything, to the bong, with their heads and their arms. Everything was so precise. It was amazing."

[Tracy Brooks, Ballroom Dancing Enthusiast]:
"The opening number where the dancers are also drumming on stage, to have them all synchronized. If one dancer is out on the sound, you're going to notice it and there were no mistakes anywhere. It was excellent."

Amanda Pope is learning modern dance and ballet.

[Amanda Pope, Dance Student]:
"Some of the jumps they've done, they're like, this high in the air -- they're so high, and I don't know how they can get that high."

[Tracy Brooks, Ballroom Dancing Enthusiast]:
"I really liked seeing the water sleeves. Completely different from anything you would have in a traditional ballroom or Latin. To have that much extension in their movements, it was really beautiful."

[Sherrie Higgins, Former Ballet Dancer & Choreographer]:
"I can't keep saying, they're amazing, brilliant, inspirational. I will definitely go to one, I want to go in Toronto, bring my kids. I brought my mom tonight, and I definitely want to bring my children."

NTD News, Hamilton, Canada

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