The Hammer On Guitar and Pull Offs, The Basics of the ...

2011-12-22 96

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Guitar Lesson Description:

Hammer On Guitar Tips + Pull Offs

You will need to learn the essential technique of Hmmer ons and Pull Offs

So it's time to look at look at a new technique to help with your phrasing being able to hammer on guitar with your guitar and doing a good pull off are essential guitar techniques. Having a strong foundation in both the hammer on and pull off will allow you to perform a variety of different thing. Not only does it help you with your phrasing but it is such an essential technique you will find it being used in countless riffs and licks. To do a Hammer on Guitar it is essentially placing the fretting finger down just behind the fret to create the sound. A sign of a good hammer on will be to create a note without even having to pluck the note. You will need to develop a short sharp snap in each finger so that you can perform a good hammer on and do make sure you practice each combination of fingers as I show you in the video.

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