Berlin Wall - Ten Amazing Facts

2011-12-20 441

Berlin Wall - Ten Amazing Facts - as part of the travel series by GeoBeats.

10 - First parts of the Wall were built at 2 am during a weekend in 1961.

9 - Estimated 5,000 escaped from East to West.

8 - Two families escaped in a homemade hot air balloon.

7 - West side had lot of graffiti whereas East side was unmarked.

6 - The Wall was reinforced 3 times after its initial construction.

5 - Initially, it was a barbed wire. Concrete was used later.

4 - People would hold babies over the Wall for relatives on the other side.

3 - The Wall had nine border crossings.

2 - Final length of the Berlin Wall was 96 miles.

1 - While the Wall fell on Nov 9, 1989, it got dismantled gradually over months.

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