Marimo Aquariums - as part of the shopping series by GeoBeats. Here we have a Marimo Aquarium. What they are are little balls that they call, moss balls is the common name. Actually, I will show you here. Naturally, this would take years and years to grow up to this size. And they are kinda like a sponge, it soaks up a lot of water. So it is okay if you wanted to pick it up and play with it, squeeze it a little. And this is a form of algae that you would find in lakes in Japan, and some that were found in Iceland. And they rely on the water, and they are in the water. And the water current pushes them around. And that is how they become these brown little balls. So, they like filtered water, they do not like chlorine. And these are the little baby ones that, and the little, the large one here. They grow about just 5 millimeters per year, average. When you are choosing a home for your Marimo, think about something that is fun, like this piece here. It is interactive, I love it when I just rock it away, and just play with it, as if it is in its little playhouse. It rocks back and forth, and you can stick your finger in, and poke at it once in a while. You can put it on your office desk, on your work desk. And you would not have to be afraid of the water spilling at all. Now, they come in all different sizes. These large ones are the ones you see here, that I made with. And the little ones that I made are for the little baby marimos down to the tiny little ones here that I made for jewelry.