Clashes at Cairo parliament protest

2011-12-17 118

Panic spreads through the crowd as a wounded demonstrator is carried away from a street battle in Cairo.
A motorbike ambulance is on hand to take another of the injured from the front line, a common sight in such protests.
The sit-in outside the Egyptian parliament was a remnant of bigger protests last month in Tahrir Square that left dozens dead and overshadowed the build-up to the first parliamentary election since the overthrow of the Mubarak regime in February.
The mood turned violent on Friday when rumours spread that an anti-government activist had been detained and badly beaten.
Police tried to disperse around 300 demonstrators who said they were angered by online images of the man with his face badly bruised and eyes swollen shut.
An official at the health ministry said around 36 people had been injured in the clashes and five had gunshot wounds.
Lily Grimes, Reuters