A primary primer on Pennsylvania's Rick Santorum

2011-12-16 27

http://www.nma.tv/ At high school Rick Santorum was known as "Rooster" because he would never back down. Santorum admitted smoking pot in college, where he first entered politics as a volunteer for late Senator John Heinz. As a lawyer Santorum argued that wrestling was not a sport and therefore exempt from federal steroid regulations. Santorum underwent a "transformation" after marrying, forming the socially conservative views that have defined his political career. Six of his children were home schooled. Santorum controversially claimed education money from Pennsylvania while living out of state. He has said that 'Intelligent design' is a "legitimate scientific theory." In 2003 his views on same-sex marriage saw columnist Dan Savage coin an offensive term for "Santorum" that dogs him to this day. Despite touting his 'tough' record in office, the former Senator remains at the back of the primary pack. Will Santorum be able to keep his many enemies from derailing his presidential ambitions?