The Red Cross reportedly considered applying the Geneva Conventions to video game violence. Call of Duty and Battlefield were among 19 titles singled out by the Red Cross, which stated "there is also an audience of approximately 600 million gamers who may be virtually violating IHL [International Humanitarian Law]," during a meeting in Switzerland last week. Battlefield 3 for the PlayStation 3, XBox 360 and PC was released in late October. It has already sold over 8 million copies. The Red Cross is said to have considered asking developers to slash "illegal" actions, such as using torture and shooting unarmed combatants, from their creations. Gamers on discussion boards had a field day, and blogs wrote about the news with incredulity and sarcasm. [The] "whole thing is ludicrous. people need to stop using video games as a scapegoat for societies [sic] problems," wrote a poster on Reddit. Several hours after the news broke, the International Committee of the Red Cross issued a clarifying statement: "serious violations of the laws of war can only be committed in real-life situations."