TMZ reports Vivid Entertainment has asked mobile phone maker HTC to stop selling its "Vivid" branded devices. The adult production company's lawyers reportedly claim HTC is in violation of trademark, and could cause confusion in the marketplace. They have given HTC a Monday deadline to change the name of its product, or face a lawsuit. This isn't HTC's first naming controversy. The Taiwanese company drew international ridicule earlier this year when it released a phone named "ChaCha," which is Spanish slang for a part of the female anatomy. While HTC was left blushing, the unabashed Vivid Entertainment has been expanding its adult empire into new mediums. It recently inked a deal with Google TV, which will stream Vivid content onto subscribers' home TVs and computers. Vivid exec Steven Hirsch said the move contributes to his goal of "making Vivid available everywhere." Co-founded in 1984 by Hirsh, Vivid Entertainment has risen to become one of the leading producers of adult content. It is perhaps best known for its sale of private tapes featuring big name stars like Pamela Anderson and Kim Kardashian.