Does the Qur'an really teach terrorism? Does Islam demand the death of all "infidels"? Are terrorists following the example of Prophet Muhammed(pbuh)? In 2004 a man by the name of Craig Winn wrote a horrible book on Islam entitled, The Prophet of Doom, where he accused Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, of starting his religion to satisfy his lust for money, sex and power, He also called our beloved Prophet 'a terrorist'. Many Muslim Brothers had challenged Winn to a debate before, but he refused. At the insistence of Muslims in Dallas, Texas area, the Mike Gallagher show, which has repeatedly interviewed Winn as an expert on Islam, has agreed to allow a 'Muslim' to explain 'Islam' in a brief on-air debate with Winn. Mike Gallagher has a radio show that is broadcast nationally.( Sheikh Jalal Abualrub has also written a book titled Prophet of Mercy in response to Winn's book. A group of Muslims launched a website "Answering Prophet of Doom" in response to Craig Winn On Tuesday August 16th 2005, Muslim Apologist Jala Abualrub and Craig Winn author of the book " Muhammad: Prophet of Doom" engaged in debate on the Mike Gallagher radio show on the topic of whether Muhammad is a prophet of doom or mercy. The Topic of Debate: Muhammad: Prophet of Doom or Mercy? Sheikh Jalal Abualrub ( vs. Craig Winn (