Mocking a racist

2011-12-14 1

Flagged from YouTube because it was thought to be racist.

Yo variablast (huh!)
What's up, my man? (whoa!)
You up for some good deadpan? (hmm)

Whaddaya say?
You wanna talk about
this niggering thang?

I'm fed up
Fed up
With all this evasive
Trying to look in
and pin down a basic

So you say
Nigger means human
Nigga means human
Dem niggers mean human

We all originate from Afroca
99% of are genes identify
That we all the same from
Adam's umbillify

And eve, our steve
From the forest did come
from the monkey and fuck
our genes into rum

It ain't racist
Ain't sexist
Ain't fuckin' inhumane
It's just the truth laid
out for all to see, plain

And it's causing such pain
to see the truth denied
again again again
Why don't we all just be
nigga, nigger, nigga?

Them girl they dress so slutty
Why do they think we make them
Into putty?
They didn't want to get arrested?
Then maybe their dress they should have

(too long for descrip)