Eusebius' History of the Christian Church (13 of 37)

2011-12-13 16

Early Church History Playlist: Eusebius Pamphilius - ( 263-339 ), Theologian and historian Pamphilius Cæsariensis Eusebius is often called the father of church history. He was probably born in Caesarea , Palestine and had Pamphilus as his teacher. His works are of a theological and apologetic nature. He became one of the earliest and most influential bishops of the Christian Church. According to survival records of the Church Council of Nicaea, he occupied the first seat on the right of the Emperor and delivered the inaugural address on the Emperors behalf. Eusebius studied under Pamphilius (c. 240-309). a Christian scholar and presbyter in the church at Caesarea. Pamphilius was an ardent disciple of Origen and Eusebius became deeply influenced by the Origenist tradition. His major work was his History of the Church, a massive piece of research that preserves quotations from many older writers that would otherwise have been lost. Eusebius' History of the Christian Church (13 of 37) 

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