Jesus: Incarnate God, or Human Prophet? ( Sami's Opening Statement - 2 of 3 )

2011-12-13 187

Is Jesus Christ a man, or is he God? Did He ever claim to be God? What does the Bible say about the identity of Jesus Christ? Is the Trinity Biblical? Representing the Muslim perspective was Sami Zaatari: Sami has written hundreds of articles defending Islam He is a member of the Muslim Dawah Initiative its formed of members from the Muslim community with experience in public speaking, apologetics, polemics, research and community work. He runs the website He is currently studying literature in London and is working on a book on Jesus' crucifixion. Representing the Christian side was Mr. Michael Dantzie; Mr. Dantzie is one of the guys of a ministry called Preaching Place: Final Messengers, he is a member of the Seventh Day Adventist Church, dedicated his life to Christ at the age of 18 by baptism, and ever since he has been an active speaker and bible teacher sharing his faith about Christ and his saving grace, and soon coming. He has been a speaker in Jamaican, Philippines, Kenya and United States and many places across the United Kingdom The Preaching Place is made up of young people from the ages of 18 to 33, sharing the everlasting gospel from media primarily house to house studies and literature. He runs the website The Topic of Debate: Jesus: Incarnate God, or Human Prophet? Sami Zaatari ( vs. Michael Dantzie ( (University of Sussex, Sussex House Brighton, UK 10th November 2011)