Did Jesus die for the sins of the World? ( Introduction of Guest Speakers - 1 of 6 )

2011-12-13 82

Did Jesus die for the sins of the world? Was He Crucified as a Willing Sacrifice for the Sins of God's People? Did Jesus die to appease an angry God? According to the Bible, Jesus called upon God to save him. Let this cup pass from me, he pleaded, but no help came.Neither from God or his followers. His last words were, "My God, my God, why hath thou forsaken me". Those were not the words of a man willing to die. Those were the words of a man wanting to live!! Representing the Muslim perspective was Bro Mustafa Arja, Bro Arja is well known in the local community in Australia, He has been engaged in many debates with pastors and christian apologists, He is married with three children. He has held debates with figures such as Peter Barnes, Samuel Green and many more. Alhamduliah He's very passionate in the field of daw'ah Representing the Christian side was Mr Samuel Green, Mr Green is a Christian Scholar from the Australian Fellowship of Evangelical students (AFES). He has a national ministry engaging in conversation and debate with Muslim people. He is a writer for Answering-Islam.com, he has written hundreds of articles on Islam and Christianity. He is an active in Christian ministry as a bible teacher on University campuses. He's been involved in Christian Muslim Discussions and dialogs for the last 15 years. The Topic: Did Jesus die for the sins of the World? An Interfaith Dialogue between Samuel Green and Mustafa Arja ( Wiley Park, NSW, Australia December 11, 2010 )