The Concept of God in the Bible and the Qur'an ( Robert's Opening Statement - 1 of 3 )

2011-12-12 28

Do Muslims believe the Judeo-Christian god is the same god as the Muslim god? Do Christians believe that the Muslim god is their god, worshiped differently? How many gods do Christians have? Representing the Muslim perspective was Brother Sadat Bin Anwar: Brother Sadat is a young scholar on Islam and comparative religion from Canada. He has debated Christians on the street level at Speaker's Corner. Representing the Christian side was Robert Scott: Robert has been working at St Helen's Church, Bishopsgate, London for the last few years coordinating the support for St Helen's missionaries, teaching the Bible to international students The Topic: The Concept of God in the Bible and the Qur'an A dialogue between Sadat bin Anwar and Robert Scott. (St. Andrews Church, London, UK November 18th 2008) 

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