Lets Be YouTube Friends!

2011-12-12 25

This is my response to Buck's Ten questions. His video is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KX0v7yqArjg Buck has given everyone the permission to use segments from his video in our video response videos. His ten questions are : 1. What's your first name? 2. Where are you from? Where do you live? 3. How old are you? 4. Whats your Favorite Color? 5. Do you have any Pets? Tell me about them- Show them! 6. Any siblings older younger? Whats the deal? Any kids? 7. Do you collect anything now or when you were little? 8. Whats your Favorite sport to watch 9. Whats your favorite sport to play! 10. . What magazines do you subscribe to? Ted's channel name is http://www.youtube.com/TedsWarOnEverything I use music from www.incompetech.com , which is royalty free music. The outro song was created by http://www.youtube.com/TwistedTim01