Top 10 Funny Celebrity Quotes of 2011

2011-12-10 417

Top 10 Funny Celebrity Quotes of 2011 - as part of the celebrities series by GeoBeats. 10 - Charlie Sheen: "I'm tired of pretending like I'm not special. I'm tired of pretending like I'm not a total bitchin' rock star from Mars." 9 - Paris Hilton: "Everything bad that can happen to a person has happened to me." 8 - Ryan Gosling: "I'm not that good looking. I think I'm a pretty weird looking guy!" 7 - Lindsay Lohan: "I was not drinking, nor do I drink." 6 - Kim Kardashian: "I wouldn't have spent so much time on something for just a TV show." (In defense of her wedding) 5 - Kathy Lee Gifford: "When drag queens love you, you will have a long career." 4 - Jennifer Hudson: "I'm prouder of my weight loss than my Oscar!" 3 - Kris Humphries: "It was totally different than being in a basketball game." (Describing his wedding) 2 - Johnny Depp: “Well, you just feel like you're being raped somehow." (On his hatred for photo shoots) 1 - Charlie Sheen: "Blame the studio for giving me this much dough knowing who they were giving to." (On his spending habits)