The Sims 2 (PS2) Me Making Kodi from Balto 3 also called Balto 3: Wings of Change

2011-12-10 6

a link to watch this video on Youtube: . This video is me making a character from Balto 3, also have watch Balto 3 myself and didn't think its a bad-movie. Here is a link to review of this movie that summer-up my thoughts about the movie : Here is a video check-out as well

I like this review on that is a ex of a true fan of frachise on giving sequels a change to be a good sequel by wacthing the movie. Not like other people who hate or think this movie is a waste of time.
Here a link to some-thing talk my thoughts about the haters of Balto sequels: The Joural-Entry is about some-thing talk about hate Balto 2 and fully dis-agreed with then and also I'm talk about my thoughts of haters of Balto 2 and Balto 3.