Kashmir: Where are our dear ones?

2011-12-02 2

Enforced Disappearances in Kashmir

Public Meeting

Parveena Ahangar,
President,APDP, Kashmir

Dr. Mridu Rai
Lecturer in Indian Studies, Trinity College, Dublin
Author, Hindu Rulers, Muslim Subjects: Islam, Rights and the History of Kashmir

Enforced Disappearance is abduction or kidnapping, carried out by state agents, or others who act with state support or tolerance, in which the victim 'disappears'. Authorities do not accept responsibility for the dead or missing. Legal recourse is ineffective.

Jammu and Kashmir is probably the most militarized zone in the world today, with 700,000 Indian army personnel deployed throughout the region.

Enforced disappearance began in 1989 when an armed uprising in support of the popular movement for self determination began.

In 1991, while searching for her 19 year old son Parveena met many other families also searching for their innocent loved ones. APDP was formed to support these families in their struggle for justice.