The Only Presidental Library in Europe

2011-11-29 30

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The only presidential library in Europe is the Vaclav Havel Library in Prague. This institution collects the facts which are related to this well known Czech President. It is a place meant for researchers and students who are interested in the person of Vaclav Havel

The Czech Republic is the only country in Europe with a presidential library.

It is the Vaclav Havel Library.

It shows Havel's presidential career and also maps his fate as a prisoner of conscience
and freedom activist.

[Martin Palous, Vaclav Havel Library Director]:
“Vaclav Havel is a person, who can be compared with persons like Nelson Mandela
and many other freedom fighters, who contributed to the fall of totalitarian or authoritarian regimes.”

The library team is now working on computerization of documents related to Havel
and his era.

There were a lot of people who emigrated from Czechoslovakia after Soviet occupation in 1968.

However, Havel stayed in Czechoslovakia and initiated protests against the dictatorship.

[Jachym Topol, Novelist]:
“He won the people not just by his dramas and texts, but also by his personal bravery and it is a great thing and it is now, because a lot of time has passed, he is almost forgotten.”

In the library there's also a recently opened exhibition entitled "Havel in a nutshell".

NTD News, Prague

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