Vladimir Putin accepts presidential nomination

2011-11-28 18

Vladamir Putin could be back in Russia's top office next year.
He accepted the United Russia party's presidential nomination on Sunday and warned the crowd about foreign powers trying to influence Russian politics.
SOUNDBITE: Prime Minister Vladamir Putin saying (Russian)
"We know, unfortunately, that these days, in the run-up to the State Duma election, the presidential election, representatives of some foreign countries are gathering those they are paying money to, so-called grant recipients, to instruct them and assign work in order to influence the election campaign themselves - a wasted effort, such as throwing money at the wind."
Polls suggest Putin, who was president from 2000-2008, will win the presidency despite a recent dip in approval ratings. His party -- United Russia, however, runs the risk of losing its two-thirds majority in the State Duma lower parliament house in the Dec. 4 election.
Deborah Gembara, Reuters.