Home Décor Tips: Choosing Colors for Master Bedroom

2011-11-23 2

Home Décor Tips: Choosing Colors for Master Bedroom - as part of the expert series by GeoBeats. Hi, my name is Jane Mogel, I am with Jane Mogel Interior Design in New York city. Today we are going to be talking about selecting colors for your master bedroom, a bedroom is typically, it should be a restful place, it should be a retreat so I often recommend going with blue colors in a master bedroom, these are cool colors on the color wheel, and I think if you started with a fabric like this, this is a blue multi-colored paisley fabric this would be a wonderful fabric to use as a drapery in a master bedroom, as you can see there are lots of colors in this fabric. The safest way to go would be to use this baze color that you can see a little bit in the fabric, I think a more interesting way to go would be to choose one of the blues in the fabric so you could do one of these pink colors with this fabric. As far as choosing fabrics to coordinate with this, a stripe is lovely with the paisley, here is an example of a medium stripped, as you can see the proportion of the fabrics is different, this paisley has a very large pattern repeat and the stripe has a smaller pattern repeat, they teach you that in design school, that it is good to vary the scale of the patterns. Here is a solid textural fabric also nice with this group and I think it is also nice to add some trim, here is a breaded cord, you could use this on pillows or on the window treatment. As you can see, it is got a lot of the shades of blue and the off white color. And here is another trim, this is just a small silk tassel, also nice. If you did not want to do blue, in a master bedroom, you could go with a neutral fabric. Here is an example of a neutral paisley. Similar to the other paisley, but shades of neutral. This also, even though it is a neutral, has a lot going on and grid neutral colors in it. Even though paisley is more traditional fabric, I am pairing it with a beautiful and temporary velvet upholstery fabric, I think that is fun to incorporate traditional and contemporary fabrics. Again, if you wanted to stay traditional, you could do the striped fabric which has lots of the neutral colors in it. And a very popular fabric these days, although I would not do it with this paisley, this is called an e-cut, this is a really popular fabric now, you see this in lots of the showrooms, multiple colors. I am afraid it is a fad, so I am not sure I would recommend it if you want to use this and spend a lot of money on a fabric like this because you may not be happy with it a couple of years from now.