Brad Pitt dazzles fans in South Korea

2011-11-16 92

He may be hitting 50 soon, but Hollywood star Brad Pitt seems to still have it.
South Korean fans couldn't believe their luck as Pitt greeted a predominantly female crowd during his first visit to the country's capital Seoul.
SOUNDBITE: Yoo Yoon-jeong, fan, saying (Korean):
"I was not sure whether I could see him in person. He gave me his autograph. He is really handsome. I almost fainted when he smiled in front of me."
SOUNDBITE: Seong Eun-ji, fan, saying (Korean):
"I am really happy to see Brad Pitt in South Korea. I'd like him to come back. I'd like him to be back with Angelina Jolie and his children next time. Brad Pitt, I love you."
Pitt was in town to promote his movie, "Moneyball," on Tuesday (November 15) in which he plays Billy Beane, the real-life general manager of Major League Baseball's Oakland A's.
The star, who is 47, had caused quite a stir about his retirement plans after being quoted on Australia's "60 Minutes" as saying he'd quit acting when reaching 50.
But at a news conference the actor then clarified his statement.
SOUNDBITE: Brad Pitt, actor, saying (English):
"I wasn't actually putting an exact deadline on my expiration date, but I see it coming. I just have other interests and I do quite enjoy the production side. So as far as what kinds of films, it's the same kinds of films we are doing now, which is a mixed bunch, and more about complex stories that might have difficulty actually getting made in the current system, or getting behind talent that we believe in and I'll be giving them that extra muscle they might need."
So while he may not turn his back on Hollywood completely, fans should continue to enjoy watching Pitt on screen while he lasts.
"Moneyball" is already open in the United States with more rollouts to follow around the world.
Kathi Urban, Reuters.

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