Noam Chomsky on Occupy Wall Street Movement

2011-11-16 2

Noam Chomsky interview with marina portnaya on Occupy Wall Street Movement and world affairs. “The banks are bigger and richer than before with corporate profits reaching record levels, and unemployment is about the level of the Great Depression – I mean real unemployment.”

So it is time to protest, Chomsky is convinced, expressing his support for the “Occupy Wall Street” movement.

“These people are saying, let's blame the culprits and the institutions behind them – fiscal policies like taxation, rules of corporate governance, deregulation – it does set in motion a vicious cycle that is getting worse and worse. If you walk down the streets of New York you can see very serious poverty and phenomenal wealth side by side, very much like a Third World country. Meanwhile, infrastructure is collapsing, schools are collapsing and all that keeps this cycle going.”