Jay Sekulow on MSNBC Discussing ObamaCare at the Supreme Court

2011-11-15 18

A textbook example of media bias. The subtext of the story “smart conservatives agree with Obama” and they push that bias by presenting a partisan view as “the expert’s view”.

You might think, “Now wait a minute, it was fair because they had Jay Sekulow on”. Really? NBC has Jay Sekulow on for the 29 states opposing ObamaCare, but then they have the Maryland politician who advocates the Obama point of view which is that the commerce clause gives the government unlimited power to control our lives, err I mean the economy [because you cannot control the economy with out controlling people /wink, wink].

Then the “expert” is brought in. We know this because NBC put the word “expert” right under Tom Goldstein’s name. Of course Goldstein has experience covering the court, but he is no more of an expert than Jay Sekulow. What they don’t tell you is that Tom Goldstein was a lawyer for Al Gore.