Recipe of the Day: FAIR. Cocktails

2011-11-14 67

Recipe of the Day: FAIR. Cocktails

A great way to enjoy yourself during Fair Trade Month is by cracking open a bottle of FAIR. Café Liqueur. Tales of the Cocktail recently published their recipe book for 2011, which includes this delectable cocktail featuring Fair Trade spiced banana ice cubes, as well as FAIR. Café Liqueur.

Loco Glacies
1½ oz Ron Zacapa Centinario
¾ oz FAIR. Café Fair Trade liqueur
2 dashes orange bitters
1 Fair Trade spiced banana ice cube (see recipe below)
Pour Zacapa, FAIR. Café and 2 dashes orange bitters into a glass. Stir to chill. Strain into an old fashioned glass. Add spiced banana ice cube.

Banana Ice Cubes (makes 4 large size cubes):
Liquefy 2 large Fair Trade bananas
Add 2 tbsp Fair Trade ground cinnamon
Add 1 tsp serrano red chili paste
Add ½ tsp Fair Trade ground cloves
Blend further, put into ice molds and freeze.

Inspired? Try out these Numi Tea cocktails created by Tea Sommelier James Labe. Enjoy!
