Parrots: Signs of Common Health Problems

2011-11-09 2

Parrots: Signs of Common Health Problems - as part of the expert series by GeoBeats. Hello, I am Michelle Karras. I am the owner of The Polite Parrot, and I am also the avian behavior consultant for Nurture Your Pets. Some common signs of health problems in birds are first and foremost always watching their poop. If you keep a good eye on their poop, you have got a good general knowledge of how they are health-wise. If you look up under here, under his tail, their vent should always be clean. If you notice that your bird is not eating, if your bird is ruffled, sitting at the bottom of the cage, usually at that point in time it is too late, although you should get them to a vet as fast as possible. But the best, best way is always keep an eye on their poop. Pay attention to what you fed them. You know if you fed them something red, obviously they are going to have some red in their poop and it is not blood. But if you keep on a diet that is fairly organic and non-colored, it is your best way to keep an eye on their poop. So, if their poop changes, something is going on. Unless you have changed something that you fed them. Another thing you would always want to do is to do a monthly weigh-in with a gram scale. And also - that is a good girl Spalding - run your finger across their chest to make sure they do not have a sharp keelbone, or they do not have an overweight keelbone. Show me - step up. Good girl. Right across here. You should feel their keelbone and it should round around. If you cannot feel the keelbone, the bird is overweight and can tend to get fatty liver disease, kidney disease, or even heart disease. Plus, not to mention, a bird having very good feather - bright, shiny.

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