Three Fantastic Natural Eye Allergy Relief Options

2011-11-07 1

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An eye allergy is a case of allergic conjunctivitis. Generally treated with medications, there are also lots of natural eye allergy relief options for those suffering from seasonal or other types of eye allergies.

Allergic conjunctivitis could be due to a considerable number of indoor or outdoor allergens such as: pollen, dust, pet hair, cigarette smoke and the like. When these allergenic substances come into contact with the eyes they cause adverse reactions of the outer liner of the eye and the inner liner of the eyelids. It may affect nearly any person and produces a considerable number of awful symptoms: runny nose, sneezing, coughing, watery eyes, irritation and/or burning sensation in the eyes, increased sensitivity to light and blurred vision.

Sometimes, allergic conjunctivitis is treated with antihistamine medications. While these treatments offer very good allergy control, they also
Have unfavorable effects on tear quantity and quality and therefore may lead to worsening of the eye allergy symptoms.

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