Armenian Culture - December 2010

2011-11-05 2

Armenian Community of Ottawa monthly TV program, December 2010

1) ARS Sevan Chapter’s Annual Bazaar in Tom Brown Arena accompanied by soulful music of Mariam Matossian (“Kakavig” and “Shogher jan”); 2) Ottahye Community Choir performing Armenian religious and pop tunes by Komitas, Ekmalian and other musical giants.

Thanks to Rogers TV, the Armenian and many other local communities in Ottawa have their multicultural windows. Watch the Rogers Cable 22, where the "Local matters"! (for details, please go to Rogers website at

You can also screen some of the past shows of the "Armenian Culture" on Dailymotion at

Armenian Culture TV crew (all volunteers!):
Lilian Arakelyan - Community Producer, Host
Aram Adjemian - Co-host, Chief Community Correspondent/Reporter 
Janneta Atayan - Community Reporter